
So, I am thankful that they didn't use Black Siren to blow up an emotional bomb between Team Arrow and Team Flash.

I haven't yet. I'm gonna watch it after I finish Arrow.

So I watched Netflix origional shows A Series of Unfortunate Events and One Day at a Time.

The interesting thing is that lots of government agencies seemingly are in small scale revolt against Trump. Including the military.

I'm not as optimistic as you. China regularly acts belligerent to project power and importance. Most everyone just ignores it, because confrontation is pointless. But Trump is someone who most assuredly will take the bait, and there is bait all over the place. The South China Sea is one giant clusterfuck of potential

Republican administrations are always worse than we thought they would be. Remember when we thought Bush was as bad as it could get?

I have not exactly jokingly proposed marriage to someone in Australia and someone else in Switzerland. My hope is that when it falls apart, it will only wreck the global economy. But there is a high probability we are hurtling screaming towards war with China. And for as buddy-buddy as Trump and Putin are… I can see

Seriously, fuck the FBI for swinging this election. I've been trying to get out of the country because when this all goes to shit it will get bad.

Given the incredibly low value placed on human life on that show… "whimsical" isn't the word I'd use to describe it.

This makes me profoundly sad.

In both the promotion of the Arrowverse crossover mega event and the actual event itself, Sarah was presented as the main character of Legends of Tomorrow. In the Entertainment Weekly article they did a photoshoot with her and Ray along with Oliver, Kara, and Barry. And the sidebar about Legends was basically about

Barry Allen: Changing Shit Willy-Nilly

I mean, he could just call up the Legends and get the entire timeline of events, how to change them, and the other possible futures. But then again… the Legends aren't particularly sympathetic to him and might take the view that Iris's death is what is supposed to happen.

"You're gonna make some crappy movies everyone hates… but it will also make you several billion dollars richer."

Speaking of Vandal Savage… I love that Legends attempt to course correct for a lame villain last season was just to take the three best villains from all the Arrowverse shows and shove them into the plot (even if one was dead and another never even existed in the first place).

Well she also is now leading the team, so she gives bad ass directions as well as bad ass kicks to the face.

The Legends has a handsome, handsome cast of men. And I like that Rip Hunter cast himself as a hottie. All of this is one more reason to watch Greg Berlanti shows…

I am enjoying the degree of wackiness in this episode.

Brandon Routh is looking good on this episode of Legends of Tomorrow.

There was also incest on tonight's New Girl