
Remember when Caitlin didn't know what a black hole is?

I feel the show didn't really give the Alien or Aliens debate the proper airing it deserves.

What's up with Micky still having a flip phone?

I'm pretty much over incest since Game of Thrones it has been the go to for too many shows and movies.

The thing is that the show already established that the future was fluid and ever changing…. in this story arc. And that's before you consider that the climax of the first season was Barry's friend killing himself so that the Reverse-Flash never existed in the first place… Well it was a pretty ridiculous series of

Barry… why are you asking if the future is fixed or not? You saw someone get erased out of existence in your first year as the Flash. Your friends are time travelers who fuck around with the future every time they go on a mission. And you have a magical newspaper that keeps shifting around.

He is the non-scheming half of couple when with Petra (most of the time), the sensible person when with Luisa, the wrong person when with Jane (most of the time), and the jealous person when with Michael. He's not a character that is going to be a thrill a minute. He's also the person who has to shoulder all the

I still want Brett Dier to get to do more break dancing.

And while I think you have to pass a certain level of physical fitness to be a beat cop… I'm not so certain a high level detective (which is what he was) would still need to pass a strenuous physical exam.

Petra is pretty much a perfect example of a projector. She's always scheming against people for her own advantage, so she naturally assumes everyone else is as well. Raf's proven several times over now that he wouldn't actually throw Petra out on the street with no money, so all she is doing is pointlessly

The telenovella stuff is basically a hook to get people to watch the show (and continue watching), but neither the audience nor the show itself is that invested in it. Remember when Raf's best friend murdered his identical twin and then switched places with him in order to steal a drug kingpin's USB drive containing

There was at least one other guy standing in the hallway with the ladies, but he didn't get any dialogue.

I was highly amused that Chloe's attempt to sex it up consisted of taking her hair out of a ponytail. Someone's been watching late '90s/early '00s teen comedies.

All last season I couldn't decide if Lucifer (the show) was good or not. Tom Ellis was giving a high camp, scenery chewing performance that I highly enjoyed… but everyone else (except Rachel Harris) was taking the show so seriously.

Well last week the supposedly great detective Chloe failed to realize two people were co-workers (or even that they both happened to work for airlines) and instead chased the rabbit hole of Lucifer's past lovers.

Well, I doubt that having sex with him will mean much. The show has pretty well established that anyone heavenly will have sex with a lot of people.

I kind of miss his carefully applied makeup from season one.

There have actually been a bunch of explanations for why Krypton didn't evacuate over the years. My personal favorite was the one used in Superman: The Animated Series which was that Brainiac lied to them and told them Jor-El was wrong.

You know, at least Supergirl wrote the story. Aliens kidnapping humans to sell as slaves would pretty much be the most important story… ever. Over on Flash Iris never writes any stories about anything that happens, even though her whole career was (initially) based on being the one person covering the Flash. Iris had