
HAHA! She literally just took her hair out of a ponytail.

Haha! Mazikeen watching Chloe have a sex dream! The goofier this show gets, the better it gets.

No. There wasn't. The modern radicalization of white men is pretty well documented given that, you know, it's all online for anyone to read. Alienated and lonely men go on the internet looking for friends. They find "friends" in online communities who tap into (formerly) subconscious resentment towards women for the

Someone, I forget who exactly, pointed out that while athletes were peacefully protesting for civil rights, nerds were becoming Nazis at alarming numbers. Nerd culture always had a dark side, but to see that dark side become literal Nazis is a pretty scary thing.

Well, certainly the cesspools of the internet were growing. The pick up artists, the MRAs, the Gamer Gaters, and, yes, the Nazis. However, radicalizing white men and channeling their massive levels of misogyny into a racist, right-wing political movement… well that was something new when they came up with it.

Prove me wrong, simple simon.

Spencer has literally made the case that "Nazi" has a branding problem.

We have the electoral college for a reason.

You seem to be somewhat unaware of the actual history of… basically anything you are talking about. The Republican Party, being a Northern urban party, was always the party of big business. The Democratic Party in the south was the party of the plantation owners and, eventually, all white people, due to successfully

That's because Galavant was set in the REAL magic kingdom!

It amuses me that ABC sitcoms are still doing 30 minute commercials for Disney World.

So you are stalking multiple people… and this is something you are proud of?

Remember how Bush's administration said they weren't part of the reality based community?

Someone on another website said that the people who thought we shouldn't punch Nazis were almost universally people Nazis didn't want to murder. The people who actually were murdered by Nazis tended to be fine with punching them.

Because we, at least in America, are so temporally removed from World War II that people can actually think civility and propriety are more important than doing whatever needs to be done to shut down Nazis.

…Literacy isn't your strong suit, is it? No, I didn't admit that because I never admitted the Obama administration was authoritarian in any way. However, immediately after claiming belief that America was sliding into authoritarianism was "unhinged melodrama" you out and out admitted that… America was going to be

My first post: "Everything about America has been indicating that we are sliding into some sort of authoritarian nightmare and there's nothing we can do about it."

Detective Decker isn't very good at her job if she didn't realize the two people who got murdered were co-workers, and instead spends all day chasing down people Lucifer has had sex with.

Neither of them have talking dinosaurs!