
I don't know how they could do a second season…

Someone in the CXG reviews said that Rebecca takes one baby step forward and then three Olympic swimming pool sized steps backwards. Rebecca is very oblivious, but every so often something happens that manages to penetrate all the lies she tells herself and she has a genuine epiphany. And then she backslides into her

You know, if you strung the CXG music videos together you'd have a visual album to rival "Lemonade."

The context is that Rebecca and Josh are pretty certain they will never have problems again.

Everything about America has been indicating that we are sliding into some sort of authoritarian nightmare and there's nothing we can do about it.

Although the most curious thing is that, supposedly, some of them were snapchat videos and photos. Which seems like it would have to be a pretty sophisticated long-term hacking job to be able to consistently grab outgoing videos and photos that aren't saved on the phone.

It's certainly not acceptable that people hack their phones… but the smart phone has existed for nearly 10 years and in that time so many phone hacking scandals have happened. At some point you just have to think, "Maybe taking naked photos/videos is not a good idea."

I honestly don't understand why people of even marginal celebrity, like the cast of Teen Wolf, decide it would be a good idea to take nude pictures of themselves.

What I love about that episode is that, for possibly the first and only time in the show, Rebecca was actually grounded. She started the night thinking it would be this amazing, magical romantic thing and then consistently downgraded her expectations to more realistic levels as the night went on. She was actually,

Poor, sad Greg. He's even more of a self-sabotager than Rebecca.

So weird, right?

Anywho, now that you've watched Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's season one, I can tell you that I relate to Rebecca to a pretty uncomfortable degree.

Remember that time they thought it was a good idea to spend an entire season on the weekend of a wedding?

So when do you think ABC is going to have a How I Met Your Mother reunion season?

Speaking of moves did you notice Paula's high kick in "You Go First?"

Anywho, it makes sense. Will and Grace was a legitimate hit sitcom. It's still remembered fondly today (more for it's progressive content than for the actual quality of the show which often wasn't particularly great). Most of the cast isn't doing much, and half of them NBC has been trying to build shows around since Wi

They should really do it like the first season of Heroes so we'll spend the whole season guessing how they'll all come together!

Looks like Bobby Greenblatt got his favorite non-Smash related wish and Sean Hayes is back on NBC.

I haven’t been this upset since my good friend Taylor was rudely upstaged by my other friend Kanye, who was defending my best friend Beyoncé.