
This makes me almost depressed enough to take off my socks and shoes on a commercial airplane.

I think five years of Oliver and Felicity working together has somewhat short circuited her ability to throw him off his game. Oliver is at his best when he's confront with things outside his comfort zone and made uncomfortable. And Kara's relentless, sunny optimism combined with alien super powers is just

It would amuse the hell out of me if right before every time Oliver starts to speak music swelled and then he just proceeded to speak normally.

Speaking of you (or rather to you), I'm excited for the Supergirl/Flash crossover episode, but I'd rather Supergirl crossed over with Arrow. She's wildly overpowered for Arrow's typical bad guys, but I feel like the contrast between her and Oliver is more fun than between her and Barry.

The last X-Men cartoon they made, they killed off Jean Grey (literally) in order to replace her with Emma.

I've been listening to "We'll Never Have Problems Again" over and over and every time it fills me with happiness.

No one should ever doubt my ability to consume massive quantities of television in very limited time periods. You wouldn't even think it is possible given that TV, by nature, runs specific time frames.

Well so far I watch two episodes of The Mick, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, two episodes of New Girl, Superstore, Nashville (but just the scene with Will), Code Black (but just the scenes with Tyler Young), The Good Place, and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and I am still exhausted by how much more seems to be left to watch.

I know right? I'm like do I really want to watch The Simpsons or Family Guy, or should I just skip them….

Question: Will I ever get caught up on the TV that I missed?

I believe I said this….

I really do like the Godzilla from the Legendary movie.

Speaking of leg kicks… I'm borderline obsessed with Paula's leg kick in "You Go First"

Rebecca is the exemplar supreme of the one friend who, when he or she starts dating someone, instantly vanishes.

I think the show has always demonstrated that Doctor Akopian was a good therapist (she instantly recognized the effects of all the medication Rebecca was on in New York). But Rebecca is so oblivious that nothing Doctor Akopian says ever gets through to her.

He could have dropped her off one day.

There was that scene where she questioned the ethics of continuing to take Rebecca's money, but decided she really wanted a kayak.

In the recent season of Black Mirror they had a story beat where someone posted a picture of their food trying to show how wonderful it was, even though it tasted terrible.

Not that many sites actually get what the show is about (or most shows, for that matter). I've read some articles that were basically Maya believing Rebecca can have it all.