
I find it quite amusing that DJ's archnemisis is an 8-year-old boy.

That's a hilariously fake spider.

And now they are getting metatextual about the reaction to Fuller House.

Oh hey, more Trump references.

Oh hey, it's a Netflix reference.

So Stephanie found a brand new band in the span of one episode? I would say implausible, but it's been established that the only time she leaves the house is to hit the clubs to find more lovers. So maybe she met them there?

And Fuller House teaches us all a valuable lesson about respecting women.

So, I realize the entire point of this show is '90s nostalgia, but even this is over kill. And I like how it immediately segues into redoing the "Stephanie feels peer pressure to smoke" plot. Even if they call it out (and the do) it is still pretty damn lame.

And more breaking of the fourth wall to talk about Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen.

"It sounds like a terrible idea, but let's do it." - Stephanie, summing up the thinking process behind Fuller House.

Okay this reference to the original show is so obscure I actually needed the flashback.

And now DJ is giving that traditional Full House speech on family values to Danny.

"Today is about family, don't let our family ruin that." - Stephanie Tanner, showing her great wisdom. Also a great lack of self-awareness, given just how often that family ruins things.

Oh hey, Danny and Jesse cuddling. Because of course.

So Joey is as bad a parent as… he was already a bad parent.

Welp Jesse and Becky are not banging tonight.

Oh, this is just embarrassing…

Well, it looks like this is going to be the "Let's get everyone from the original series back together episode." They even named dropped Full House.

Wait, they have a balcony inside their house?

Metatextual slam on Jodie Sweeton!