
Want some fun? Try different beers! I used a scotch ale the other day, it was amazing, and the kids slept great (joke). The bourbon beers do add a smidge of different flavors, but I like a nice Bock in mine. Best part? One early sign of COVID is loss of smell, so canary that coal mine and bake some yummy bread.

Want some fun? Try different beers! I used a scotch ale the other day, it was amazing, and the kids slept great

The VC is made from captured Russian cannons from the Crimean war. Of all the precious metals they could use for the highest military award, it’s bronze...

Now playing

Have you tried de-lidding your processor? Polishing the heat spreader can also help. There are numerous videos out there that show you how to do it. A friend and I both did ours (split the cost of a 3d printed tool) and I saw 20 degree F difference. I NEVER get over 160F now (usually at 140-150), even at 100% CPU for

Someone is getting a visit from OSHA tomorrow, if they still exist as an agency...

Haha right?!? Damn them for thinking us ‘Muricans don’t want fast wagons!!

Macan of the Turbo family :)

This really makes me wonder. Would an auto-rickshaw/tuktuk be allowed in Lemons racing?

Put a drunk friend in the back of a pickup, he leaked, we hosed. You’re right, problem solved :)

Remember that episode of Seinfeld where he had the car that smelled so bad he couldn’t even give it away? I think it may have been the only episode I ever saw. Anyway...

No fluids? Just like me after an impact like that... Good thing the seats are brown already, cause that does make “cleanup” easier.

This was in 1991-ish? Happier times where (white) kids could try and blow themselves up without too much worry, except for hearing and hair loss.

Long story short. I had a friend back in school who had a homemade “firecracker” (re: it was a pipe bomb, who are we kidding) go off next to him, on his left hand side. He spent the next two months only talking to his parents from his right profile because half his face was hairless.

That’s why I’m holding onto the last of the V8 interceptors. I am, er, will be, a fuel injected suicide machine.

James Kirk as a the Captain? A better investment would be the badass Montgomery Scott as chief engineer...

That’s (one of) the best parts of the story. He’s a collector but also a driver. Cars are tools, meant to be used, but he polishes and organizes them when he’s done. And genuinely enjoys the whole experience.

Your car doesn’t need a wing the size of a dinner table, 32 inch rims, be 1 inch off the ground, or have a fart can larger than sewage pipe to make it awesome. Use some good car soap, polish/wax, a toothbrush, and genuine care to make the car a work of beauty. Even a basically stock Acura (or Hyundai) can be a work of

Duper rares are the best.

Here’s my thing. No matter what your car fetish may be, if you look at the detailing on his cars? He LOVES them. Mad props for making a teal Acura 20 years old pop like that without a hint of brake dust. This is the pinnacle kids: Hugie your collection.

I guess Nascar has yet to find their new Redneck Pope.

Like the morning shift, here is a reverse one for ya.