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    I am working on containing legionella in the cooling towers at the hotel where I work in Charlotte, NC. Two of our three towers have tested positive and we’re caught up in the vagueness between the testing company’s statements and our chemical treatment company’s statements.

    I love a moment from that episode: “It’s an ice planet!”

    Cracking, Grommet!

    No, it’s made from the snake’s venom. You have to coax the snake into injecting venom into a container, then wait for the snake to replace its supply of venom before you can collect again. It’s labor-intensive and risky work.

    Boop the snoot!

    In what way was Kirk “working class”? He’s the goddamn captain, perched in a plush chair. He’s on top of the heap. He’s senior management.

    The M3 was designed as a way to get a 75mm gun onto the battlefield as soon as possible. Completing the M4 design was going to take valuable time, during which the U.S. and Britain would be starving for tanks.


    I grabbed this the last time this deal came up. Works great.

    I grabbed this the last time this deal came up. Works great.

    Starbuck and Apollo approve.

    Obviously they’re headed down to Orlando for Villain-Con.

    Love the boots!

    Despite the fact that the phone cuts off before it is overcharged anyway.

    I’m picturing an urn that spurts ashes, glitter, and confetti when you open it. Your loved ones will find reminders of you for years.

    Can somebody enlighten me as to her identity?

    His cape is ragged and his pants have holes on each thigh. Strangely specific costume damage.

    Awesome level of detail here.

    They have tailors for the same reason they have restaurants: the proprietor can make it better than they make it themselves.

    Tracks ☑ Robot ☑ Cute ☑ This has everything!

    It is kind of odd they didn’t just use a 2x2 smooth plate and a 1x2 above it.