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    How big is your pool? For the average pool in the article, that’s... 32 thousand bottles!

    I didn’t realize it for a long time, but riding the bus keeps my social anxiety at a low boil. By the time I get home, I’m exhausted. I thought about biking to work from my previous apartment, but now my route into work would have no bike lanes and much more traffic.


    Yeah, most people just view lettuce as a substrate to move more salad dressing to their mouth.

    I have to use Office365 for work. One big thing I like about gmail is that the search bar is so smart I never have to type all of my search. On the other hand, unless I’ve already typed it out and it shows up in recent searches, Office365 makes me type every letter very time. I forward all my work email to a gmail

    I work at a large hotel. We have communication issues with our two-way radios, so we’re looking at alternatives. All we really need is a phone-sized tablet that will connect to WiFi so our guys running room calls can send text messages/VOIP back to the supervisor. All I’ve been able to find have been crappy no-name

    Who is this guy?

    I would put a turret on top of my house.

    Hydro dipping has been around, but could you print an arbitrary, one-off pattern?

    Since Mark Wahlberg is a felon, how does he shoot movies with guns on set?

    Because then researchers would have to make a new mold for each shape they wanted to test. Also, there’s the possibility of 3D printing the exact size and dosage for the patient.

    Morning = I’m not exhausted from a day at work.

    I need a guided tour! Where’s the engineering space where Han and Leia kissed in ESB? Where’s the medical cot where Luke recovered from the Cloud City duel?

    Remember, you have to direct the exhaust outside the area you’re trying to cool

    Remember, you have to direct the exhaust outside the area you’re trying to cool

    “This is what I have to put up with.”

    Yonic refers to something looking like a vulva, though.

    Free buckets!

    It’s a schematic. Unimportant details pared away to show underlying structure.

    I was at a BDSM convention when my friends went nuts telling me about a guy dressed as Jesus who looked exactly like me. Maybe it was me from the future; I have long hair now, but didn’t back then.

    And is that a neck massage pillow with nipples? And a gunshot wound on her shoulder? What is going on here?