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    My first thought was "enjoy the brass hitting your face, lefty..." but then I noticed that's a slab-sided A1 build! Also, lady here is definitely not looking through her sights.

    Do you not recognize Simpsons-Americans?

    I get that. My real question is this: if sulfates aren't bad, why is my hair so much better without them?

    Using regular shampoo, my hair got greasy within 24 hours and ridiculously oily after 48-72 hours. Using a sulfate-free cleansing conditioner, my hair stays *slightly* oily all the time, even though I wash once a week. What's up with that?

    ...an uncivilized and violet people living in an ungoverned space.

    I am still proud of my jet/shark design that won second place in the race and first place in the design competition.

    I so want to buy an ex-Soviet OT-64 and refurbish it into a RV/boat.

    Auto wash. In the shower.

    Were the researchers examining coins made for coin tosses or currency?

    ...Not good at it as far as you know.

    AmazonBasics keyboards, mice, power adapters. So many things.

    Pyramid-head router?

    Wow, a reversed AK.

    Coool. Very Pacific Rim.

    "Enjoy the weekend" is a command, how can it be a lie?

    Sadly, Mega Blox has Star Trek.

    ...he just moves on to the next scheme, which may or may not have been a contingency plan in the first place.

    "There's something about the ionosphere this time of the morning..."

    Awesome! Thanks.

    Every time I try to use their price comparison tool, the link goes back to the article. What gives?