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    Did they get matching wigs for all the models? Those pockets are big enough to get lost in. Don't need a purse, I've got gigantic pockets, thanks.

    The NFL revisited the punishment for the previous player sanction for domestic violence (his name escapes me). The coverage was ridiculous. "Do you think the NFL had to revisit this because of the outcry from female fans?" I guess I'm naive to think they'd they'd have any kind of moral standards they base their

    The right to take bathroom breaks during work is surprisingly murky.

    Evil DM tip: Mimics pretending to be gargoyle statues. Bonus tip: mimics with class levels for a better disguise score.

    "It's not going to make you pee your pants in shear terror[...]"

    Reminded me of the T1000.

    Any mention of the self-selection bias present in a study on people who are subscribers to a website for people who are non-monogamous?

    Yep. Gorignak might come get you.

    What kind of chip you got in there, a Dorito?

    An interesting idea, but I don't think it'll be practical for more than 2-3 stories. Are they planning a food court in the middle so you can carb up and tackle the second half? Would people bicycle up it? Moving sidewalk? Mini-tram?

    Vulva artist.

    Propelled by real muscle. Powered by electricity.

    Has her head detached?

    I'm picturing a tiny terms-of-use engraving on the watch.

    I've known there was a better way to sit at a computer, but how can I get my employer to buy a new desk? I'm sitting at one that's probably original to the building, which would mean 1972.

    Toothless eating ice cream!

    Look through photos of Congress sometime. Old people Already rule the US. Tomorrow... the world!

    "Hey, girl, do you like the taste of Garlic in your pasta?"

    Requiem for a Dream.

    Instead of implying that one skeleton got buried rapidly in a local flood, obviously this is evidence—nay, proof!—that there was a globe-spanning flood. Sure.