
How painful that you couldn’t be there at the end. But your writing is wonderful. Give yourself some downtime; it takes the pain a long time to lose its sharp edge, but it really never goes away.

At around 5 a.m. during the first night my boyfriend spent at my apartment, we were shocked out of our sleep by a

I think Person of Interest has managed to handle AI/Survelance sci-fi better than almost any show I’ve ever seen. Glad Netflix finally put it up.

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Guys, calm down. I know it sucks to hear another delay for Mighty No 9, but remember that Inafune worked for CAPCOM before and was treated like a Golden God before Monster Hunter blew up and gave CAPCOM other people to treat like kings. Inafune was given everything, and now, he’s responsible for everything. Most of

No surprise—there hasn’t been a Cup in Edmonton in 25 years.

Any technology (or science) far enough advanced is indistinguishable from magic.

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The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen is back—and he’s bringing the Punisher with him. This new teaser trailer for Daredevil’s second season doesn’t have any new footage, but it’s a pretty cool tease. Most importantly, it confirms the show’s release date: All 13 episodes will land on Netflix on March 18th.

But it was Flavor Aid

And then they’ll kith.