I’d be playing Lego Dimensions and Trails but moving requires packing. I think it is my least favorite part of the process. Play extra for me good sir.
I’d be playing Lego Dimensions and Trails but moving requires packing. I think it is my least favorite part of the process. Play extra for me good sir.
You get to say goodbye, I’m glad you’re getting that.
But I think that when you adopt an animal, that animal is your responsibility for life, and not just when it’s convenient. Kelloggs needed a home, and my agreement with him, myself, and the universe was to provide just that.
So if any of the athletes get sick with Polio, Typhoid, or much worse and have long term health issues who’s going to be held responsible? That toxic stew they call water will probably kill more than one person in all honesty. The IOC I’m sure has clauses that don’t hold them liable for not keeping the host…
Ugh. The Jesse Jackson (or Sharpton) of environmental issues strikes again demanding another 15 seconds of fame.
When the U first came out all the black 32gb consoles sold, when all that was left and people wanted one they had to settle for the white 8gb model. It’s the reason I never got one when they came out, I knew it was going to be a problem down the road.
The dam wasn’t the part I hated. Shredder and his one hit kill was the most infuriating thing in the world. Especially when you had no scrolls since he just killed the turtle you had loaded them up with. Ugh.
Please. Spike Lee is one of most hateful and racist pieces of shit on the planet. The hypocrisy with most of things he says is staggering.
Vivi had some seriously screwed up things happen to him. Especially after a visit to a certain village. I love the little guy.
A cup protects but you can still get hit good and feel it. Those pucks can hit as fast or faster than the best pitchers. You wouldn’t want someone smashing a baseball into your groin at 100mph would you? Soccer or rugby can be just as ugly since cleats can do some ugly things.
Very nicely done!
Here’s a horrible cheat I discovered. Save your game in front of one of the machines. Then use a ticket. if you don’t like the Morty you got reload the save and use that same ticket again. Lather, rinse, and repeat until you get what you need.
The storytelling too. That opening sequence gave me chills and did just now thinking about it. That game was one of points that just wowed and amazed in every way possible.
“He was. Definitely. But, by the time Lucifer got his own comic, that was rejigged a little. … But yes, the young, folk singer-period Bowie was the inspiration. I imagined Lucifer as a junkie angel, and young Bowie was the closest we got.”
I never knew about collaboration. I‘ve been slowly collecting Amano’s books over the years and now I need this one.
There’s a good documentary on Netflix or Amazon about Centralia you should check out. Even if you weren’t a fan of the series it’s a really horrifying and amazing story. And the people that refuse to leave...it’s insane.
Best of everything to Narcissa and thanks for doing this interview.
Eh. Comparing ourselves to how we were in high school is such a bad idea. We all change dramatically both Physically and emotionally. I look at my year book photos and laugh. As long as we’re happy with who and where we are or improving on it there isn’t a fuck to give. Heck even between 20, 30 and 40 w all generally…
Having a chef for a brother he was pointing these blogs out as they were going up. Read them if you have the time as it nails them for a total hipster-for-profit business. They lied out their asses from the start about remelting chocolate and when they could finally afford to try their hand at bean to bar it was, and…