
Dear stupid people,

Her sister could have regulated this! She was secretary of transportation! But she would never have thought of putting some innovation-killing regulation in place on a private vehicle company, perish the thought! She could never imagine anything like this happening to someone who mattered to her. Angela Chao’s family

Damn, the husband defending Elon and saying he still loves their Teslas just took the “Weird Elon Nerds taking a valid criticism bullet ” meme to a dark next level.

a touchscreen interface for shifting its cars“

Goddamn, SpaceX got some insanely brilliant engineers.

The plane has wheels, close enough for me.

why can’t you read, dunce

Well, to be fair, Putler isn’t much of a Commie, either. Commies at least pretended to care about the commonfolk. That bald sack of rat droppings doesn’t even bother with that.

The Repub Party...formerly all gung-ho for the military (not anymore), completely anti-Commie (not these Putin ass-kissers), and for less government on people’s backs (not these big gov anti-women’s-free-choice Donald-nazis) and now they’re the exact opposite.

This guy is a huge embarrassment to Alabama, which says a lot as we have a lot to be ashamed of, well there should be shame but too many red hats here. Holding up nominees over something he has likely paid for himself or paid for a player, seriously wouldn’t be shocked if has, or at the least gives no fucks about the

Fucking shame the ignorant mofo didn’t fall on his head and break his neck.

Here’s hoping any injuries he sustained are nothing trivial.

I need this gif, it expresses things I have difficulty putting into words.

If this had been Biden it would have been that he was so frail and obviously confused and unfit

Let’s recap your reasons why the Ultra will be a show-stealer:
1. The screen is .2 inch larger!
2. It should be a bit lighter!
3. MicroLED! Nope.
4. 5G! Probably not.
5. Increase in precision with FindMy? Likely!

Can’t wait for someone to wander in here and explain why these actual rocket scientists are stupid and don’t REALLY understand how great crypto is.

Her connection is that “the photograph wasn’t locked down so she stole it”

This is probably the least criminal thing a Trump has done.

Jones said “off record this is my site” in relation to National File.”

Imagine being so cataclysmically stupid that you think something you’ve just put in writing is “off the record.”