
Does every article about Wilco have to mention the dad rock thing? It wasn’t dad rock when it came out. (Neither was any Pavement album, for that matter.) Don’t discourage people from checking out great music from the past by implying only lame dads listen to it.

Fucked around. Found out.

You forget that the baseline here is Florida; if he was a white guy with a gun, Stand Yer Ground would have prevented the police from so much as arresting him.

Wow. Turned out...fair?  Im suprised.

She really is the worst.  I’ll never forget or forgive her for that thumbs down on a minimum wage increase. She did it so glibly.  Maybe she thought she was invoking the ghost of McCain, but he did it to stop a bad tax cut.  

It’s very important that when we protest the actions of the wealthy elite ruling class that we do it in a way in which they always feel safe, secure, and comfy. Can’t have them shaken up or slightly inconvenienced in any way, that would be gauche.

Their food is mediocre as hell. The ambiance is early trucker (all due respect if you drive the long haul). Gotta say though, that WH coffee mug I stole one night is indestructible. A true collector’s item.

I don’t get it, dressed nice? I bet the white people they seated were wearing flip flops with socks on and a ratty wife beater and golf shorts.

So it’s even worse that the Texas Democratic officials returned to Texas. Now the slew of inhuman laws that Republicans are pushing can go forward because they have a quorum.

If I cannot let out a barbaric yawp, I don’t even understand the point of the suburbs.

“Comply or die!”

Louisiana State Police called the officers’ action ‘awful but lawful.’

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Yeah the cynism that permeates the show has really affected my enjoyment of it. For me it was the election stuff, pushing the narrative that both candidates are lousy, incompetent, etc. That's just lazy.....and y'know, not funny.

Despite their love for the 2nd Amendment as a “defense against tyranny,” they’re obviously perfectly OK with a tyrant so long as they think the tyrant is on their side.

Come on, boat people. Don’t fuck up space travel for us.

Now I'm not advocating violence, and I'm not really down on history unless it was taught to me in an Assassin's Creed game, but I feel like this kind of behavior lead to a bunch of beheadings in France awhile back. 

Oh for sure, I don’t think we should completely remove capitalism. Of course unions are the solution. Otherwise, these lovely companies wouldn’t fight tooth and nail to keep their employees from unionizing.

Get rid of it? No. Leave things as they are? Definitely not.

Edit: capitalism as it is and how these people would

But it’s not capitalism that’s a problem. It’s that people aren’t capitalisming nicely, right? Or somehow this is “crony” capitalism (which, incidentally, is just regular capitalism) or a few bad eggs or something. Actually, I forgot. It’s the pirates who are taking food from the mouths of hard-working developers. No

The author of this “comment” sounds like he had his balls stolen by a girl in a Prius. This read screams “I am a beta Male, hear my big truck!” Why the personal attacks instead of a poignant comment? Just makes you look like a douche, not me.