
$400/month payment on a high mileage, ex-rental Tesla?? 

I’d call this a risky bet. On the one hand a used Model 3 is good way to get a decent performing EV on the Tesla charger network. On the other hand it’s Hertz so there’s a very real possibility of being pulled over and held at gunpoint because they reported the car stolen.

The bar for “recreating” something seems really, really low these days.

I finished out last year strong, completing several short games before the new year in, like, less than a quarter of the time I played Zelda. It was a good pallette cleanser. I’m diving into Alan Wake now. So far so good. I really wish it had a photo mode, because it’s a damn fine looking game.

LOL right like how big a shit do you have to take to damage a bathtub.  He must have tore himself a new one.

damaged hotel property? that must have been quite the turd, no wonder the dude was twitching

This seems more like a “RPGs of 2023" list than a “Best RPGs of 2023" list.

I get they want to make money but sheesh. I would’ve paid for single-player DLC, meanwhile I haven’t spent more than 3 hours in GTA Online since its release...just over a DECADE AGO. I’m still holding out hope for a new Undead Nightmare style single-player DLC.

I loved them both, especially TBOGT

If it’s an Ubisoft game, the only thing we can expect Star Wars Outlaws to effectively simulate is tedium.

It will still mostly be the same Ubisoft fluff. 50 Imperial bases, 20 Holocrons, etc etc

The dollar to sexy blue alien people time is also very high on that one

I haven’t seen a ratio that good since the Lego Star Wars collection. 150+ hours across all 3 games for a single playthrough, and of course all the incentive to go through again with different choices.

  • Cyberpunk 2077 - $30 (50 percent off)

I will say that Starfield take on NG+ is at least interesting.  It’s nice that there is an in universe justification for why you are doing it all again but with more experience 

They seem to be super unpopular; there are a LOT of musicals (Mean Girls, Color Purple, Wonka) where the trailer almost completely elides the inclusion of musical numbers. Pretty grim if you can’t sell a musical on…being a musical.

Wonka also pulled in its dollars despite the fact movie musicals are on the outs nowadays

Are the Pro Controllers plagued with that? I have two and neither have drift issues. My Joycons do as do my PS4 controllers. I honestly haven’t had any issue with my Nintendo Pro Controllers and only recently had issue with my Xbox controllers.

First thing I did was swap my jump button. Who uses X to jump? (I think that was the setting) Now if I could do the same with running? I could run more than I crouch(I've gotten into the habit of running by pressing in on thumbstick sans Apex Legends).

hello, future people!