
Ah fuck. That means my LCS was out of it then...

Two things: DEADPOOL AND CABLE #26 $3.99 ???? what?

@lisandronieva: Damn. Either way I haven't played/followed the story since a set or two after Urza's Saga/Legacy/Destiny.

Where the mother fuck is Karn?!

This has never worked for me in practice...

There better be lots of pictures.

You'll also want the number of whatever HR rep/Hiring manager for the position is. You want to sweet talk them over the phone, email is impersonal and in my experience ineffective for this.

@Desmondia: Clearly this gains you instant geek cred.

@Smeagol92055: Spicier than say, Sailor Jerry, while being both bolder and smoother as well.

@Kaiser-Machead: Honestly... I don't know my Simpsons well enough to know what is going on here.

@Smeagol92055: It's really tasty. Makes a great rum&coke.

I'm from Wisconsin, and I have no idea where the fuck Kimberly is...

I didn't see any movie above Predators, but I thought the ending kinda sucked.

@cletar: My thoughts exactly.

@Modern Comet: You've got your fleshbot on my io9?!!

@Chip Overclock: D30 is the bright orange material you might be thinking of.

@tetracycloide: I'd almost go black/blue for the mind control properties.