Damn... the MtG art was always pretty spectacular.
Damn... the MtG art was always pretty spectacular.
@99TelepodProblems: Why is he white?
@01SNKOWNR: Yeah man, those things are worth their weight in gold now.
@Gimpeh: In any case, the 5970 is certainly not a 'chipset'
@jay13x: Legacy looks to end pretty well. Imho KOTOR ended well enough as the last two or so trades were decent.
@The Hoon Dynasty (RexMaximus): Yeah I tried anyway. Used the Slate too as well.
@The Hoon Dynasty (RexMaximus): Interesting, testing that next.
Because I like you guys, you can check if your email address was in the list yourself by following the steps listed here:
@JennaW: Only the 5th time this has happened...
This is God telling Brett Favre he shouldn't have come back this season.
I'm just pissed SpaceX never gave me an interview.
@SupaChupacabra: Was 4 at the time, haven't seen it ever.
@♠ Final ♠: Still have no idea wtf that is, but it looks bad.
@♠ Final ♠: Only sandworms I know are Dunian.
Now to cover it in dirt. That would make it perfect.
@MaiAriSquee: Too bad the website itself is flash based, maybe print screen would work?...
I need these in wallpaper form.
I think you forgot a '' in your for Warehouse 13. (end of first paragraph)
@armchairnixon: I just looked this up as well.
Wake me up when we're off by a on order of magnitude.