
Plague Dogs is the reason I find no comfort in the phrase "just keep swimming."

As long as we're fudging the rules of this favorites game … Something tells me that my favorite dress of all time will be whatever Lupita Nyong'o wears this year.

Yay I get 5 points!


eagerly awaiting a chance to use the phrase "I just unfucked your facts for you"

I didn't mean that the snark would be at D&D's expense (although there's a lot to make fun of) … I just meant I'd like to see a D&D show with a generally snarky tone and some of my favorite individual voice actors *shrug*

I'd love to see it done with a snarky, Adult Swim vibe, preferably starring Jon Benjamin, Dana Snyder, John Dimaggio, Kristen Schaal and Tress Macneille.

In some states it's only legally rape if you're pretending to be a woman's husband (as opposed to her boyfriend). In fact I think some of these laws specify that only married women can be raped by fraud, leaving male victims with no recourse whatsoever ...

Hear, hear!

No one specified winter Olympics.

My fiancée and I met playing Dungeons and Dragons, although it was sort of a setup. A mutual friend just knew we'd be perfect for each other, so he encouraged me to try the game.

while we're at it, can we replace Uncle Sam with this guy?

Am I the only one who's up for a little polyandry-and-or-amory? HHR 4eva!

exactly: he's Bruce Wayne/Batman, average Mary Sue


getting stuck on that tropical island

I propose we feast upon them! Ever since I first read about ancient feasts with swans and peacocks dressed in their own feathers I have wanted to see what they taste like (duck I hope).