you are not
you are not
Yeah, I’d be pissed if we’d gotten nothing but red herrings for seven seasons, but I still get a chuckle picturing Edmure aiming a dragonglass arrow at some nobody and hitting the Night King by mistake *chuckle*
It’s weird in Massachusetts, too. Can’t speak for Connecticut tho :/ We barely even shake hands
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Edmure accidentally stumbles into being the savior of humanity?
Cannot wait to tell someone “you own a fucking horse, Cheryl!”
They’re so obvious it kind of takes the fun out of it for me. 1x2 4eva!
Gundam Wing slash? We’re the same age! I was all in for 1x2, myself. But I mixed it up with some 1x2x5. Duo is my spirit animal.
I get what you’re saying, but besides precision, why is saying 53% of white women voted for Trump misleading?
Could you expand this into a short story? Or a screenplay? Or a miniseries? Or a mega-franchise-comparable-only-to-star-wars? Please?
“This is not the Mary Sue you’re looking for.”
Which is why Japan won WWII.
And yet it still looked more interesting than Episode I
If they can’t say it right, they shouldn’t say it at all.
I found him creepy in Narmia, then I saw Last King of Scotland and was like “Ohhhhh, he’s actually handsome. Got it.”
No, just Fassbender :(
Your comment is first class.