
Yeah, he's beefy … but he's also quite pretty in the face region. I would argue that Evans and Hemsworth bring many bishounen qualities to the beefcake party - best of both worlds if you will.

I was always taught that men take their hats off indoors, women may keep theirs on. In fact, my mum says that when she was young, women ~had~ to cover their heads in (Catholic) church and would be given a tissue to pin to their hair if they forgot their hat.

Mustakrakish? Is that you?

omg the elephant *sadeyes*

pixar would make the hell out of that movie! and I would love every second of it!

oh man, now all I can think about is an action-packed sequel with Elsa BAMF-ly leading troops into icy, icy battle

Brian Cranston is also a superb suggestion. He could totally make an otherwise out-of-touch intellectual relatable and sympathetic.

I vote for Stephen Colbert.

Won an Emmy no less :)

Looks like it happened again a thousand years later, though for different reasons.

I've also read that old world diseases killed so many Native Americans that the reforestation cause temperature changes all the way back in Europe.

Nice. From now on, when ppl ask if Eva's good, I'm going to say 'yes, but you have to waddle through a lot of melodrama.'

haha, Moffat's a loose canon *snicker*

I don't think we ever find out definitively who kills CAM in the book. The narration implies it's someone famous and powerful, which is why Watson can't reveal her name … maybe a Victorian would have known who Conan Doyle was implying, but I never got it.

… until everyone in America who is not Catholic believes that all Catholics are uterus-obsessed sidewalk counselors.

and she did it all in another ah-MAY-zing dress! can i give her an extra award for being the most consistently well dressed celebrity?

sorry, totally off topic, but this is all I could see when you wrote "WooOoOooOoooo"

I must say, BD Wong's face on a beer would absolutely make me want to drink it.

Are we feeling inspired yet?