
Ghost Merle: Glenn buddy, you handle that piece like a Vietcong.

Hate watching observations:
1. It looks like our heroes remembered how to hotwire a car after the Cadillac went down mid-episode. Funny how they didn't do it in the previous one and instead the crew walked themselves to dramatic exhaustion.

Yeah, but Ghost Merle would have been mystified/impressed at how Orientals(#sarcasm) know how RVs have multiple car batteries.

People have different reactions to the FOB label. Recently, I spoke to some Taiwanese (immigrant generation) friends of mine about watching the show and to them, just the name of the show was offensive enough to keep them from watching it.

Or maybe you are overcompensating for never having stood up for yourself when that stuff happened to you when you were younger. Psychological projection is an amazing thing, Google it sometime.

Nice premier. I'd echo most everyone's sentiments that its great that this is back on. One thing no one has mentioned is Princess Ken's goofy Renaisance faire styled dancing even though the Renaisance isn't for another 500-700 years. At that point I think that Team Ragnar would start to wonder about the sanity of

There's also a bit of Abe Lincoln in regards to how power tests a person's character.

I didn't say you couldn't criticize, but I think some of your criticism is petty and useless. Regarding your criticism of the characters in FOB being "forced to speak with an accent", although the parents speak with an accent, their kids don't which is realistic. I'll give you credit for one criticism, I don't know

Is that show fun to hate watch? For some reason, I can see TWD to be an enjoyable hate watch because of how self-satisfied Gimple (or was it Nicotero?)looked in TD at his handiwork.

Well, at least it's in a more fitting venue. At any MOMA I fully expect to see creative masturbation.

Yeah, it is kind of strange. Teachers did strange things to students when they were in Kindergarten to associate Mao with evil. I don't remember what, it's been ages since I had that conversation. It kind of makes you wonder what they were afraid that the students would find out later…. I don't want to get

Usually elderly Asian parents are shy, especially if they haven't spent much time in the US and they don't have very good English language skills. On the other hand, my wife's 80 old Taiwanese Aunt is the most outgoing person on the planet! When we visited her at her assisted living center in LA, she introduced us to

Connie should have said something at that point. Taiwanese people hate being lumped in with what they call the "Da-Lu" (translated literally as "big land") or Mainland Chinese.

My brother told me to try Netzero and when I used it, that dialup service took forever to connect. Judging by how we Asians like a good bargain(Netzero was free), I'd bet that's what they were using.

I finally watched the two episodes on Friday night and I enjoyed it
because I think it's a cute show. I'm a Filipino-Chinese American who
grew up in the American Midwest in the '80s and can totally identify
with the kids since I have three brothers! The brother after me was the
one who always got invited to parties

I'm joining TWD's hate watching club. It's like the writers don't have any ideas beyond the dark, grim, and nihilistic. Tyrese getting offed was just a combination of sad and stupid. Yet from watching TD, it looks like the showrunners (and the actor playing Rick) are in some kind of creative echo chamber. They seem

The Solomon Kent character seems to be a knockoff character from a Hellboy comic. There's a compromised Salem witch hunter in that universe too. Check out the TPB Darkness Calls. Heh, at least they are drawing inspiration from decent sources.

Good points. I think that the writers have realized their mistake at trying to shoehorn Hawley into the cast and are frantically trying to repair the damage. I'm minimally optimistic that they can right the ship since Hawley's departure.

Ironically I missed this show last night because I was doing Asian parent stuff, which was watching my daughter's school orchestra performance. Anyway, I do find it striking that even now there really just aren't a lot of Asian people in Florida.

That Lion really isn't a lion… I think it's design taps into something more primal and I'm half hating them for trying to manipulate us in that way.