
Lately, I have been seeing the influence of Frank Herbert's Dune in this story which Martin has admitted in interviews. The battle between the Lannisters and the Dothraki was reminiscent of the battle between the Sardaukar and the Fremen. Dragons=Worm. SHAI-HALUD!!

The movie Excalibur prompted a ton of sex questions when I was 15. 1. Can dry humping through armor actually get a woman pregnant? 2. Unknowing sex with your half-sister is really that sinful? 3. How does lust help you through a fog? For whatever reason the sex scene between Igraine and Uther seemed longer when I

Yeah, we (or the Russians) basically elected Thenardier from Les Miserables blended with Biff Tannen from Back to the Future.

Yeah, let's whitewash it!

I think it's kind of interesting how each new iteration of Trek reflects contemporary events in real time. This show seems to do away with white males in authority positions and more aliens on the Bridge! Are we looking at a reflection of the anticipated comfort we were supposed to have had since Hillary was

Somehow I knew this would end with Chuck having a Colonel Jessup moment. So what is the deal with this electromagnetic hypersensitivity? We seem to think it's real because we the viewers experience what Chuck is going through. But then he only reacts to the hidden battery when he sees it. Hmm. There seems to be

You haven't lived until you've seen the subdivision with streets named after the people from JFK's Camelot.

Quite prophetic. And that was before Bush II and Trump.

Funny, I felt bad for Keira because her costume must have chaffed her frontal parts.

And toplessness, at least on Netflix. They blur it on PBS.

I think it was his daughter. Still pretty messed up.

They even brought in Colonel Tigh from BSG to be in the resistance! His character as leader of the human resistance was particularly odious. However in this universe, isn't he a preacher? Talk about moral confusion!

One lurking question in this show is what is Naomi's back story and why is she preserving the proto molecule in the torpedo? I think in an earlier show it was revealed that she is hyperintelligent and over qualified for what she is doing. Is there another unrevealed faction that she is working for?

Her eyes don't match, like her left one, facing our right, has been grafted on.

That's very optimistic of you to think there's going to be a post Trump administration. These people seemed to be locked into power. The strangest thing we are all discovering about the American Republic is that it's self-policing and that removing office holders is difficult.

For a while there I had this strange feeling that the Savior's realm was a bit like the House of White and Black from GOT, without learning any assassin skills. When Negan asked Eugene, who he was he immediately answered that he was "stone cold Negan", or a variation of "no one". Becoming a Savior means letting go

Ah yes, I'm familiar with that TOS composition. Isn't that the one that Eddie Murphy referred to as "aliens violently humping"?

Where in the country do you live? I'm going to guess South Carolina.

The Trumpists won't see the Swedish Prime minister's tweet. They live at Breitbart.com and Fox news. Reality does not enter their bubble.

I will always remember his songs as a staple for slow dances at my Milwaukee area high school social events.