
I thought this finale was ok. I don't know why they portray the Saxon soldiers besides Aethulwulf as such pushovers. I suppose all the strategic trickery could have been demoralizing, but it also makes me wonder why they should even bother if the Saxons are such crappy swordsmen. I felt sad for the burned

Ecbert's kingship mentorship program is the best. "Don't be influenced by the thoughts of other people." How was your first beer sonny?

Sure, but they weren't immune to Hitler's siren song in the 1930's and 40's.

Did any one notice that Lagertha is no longer in the opening sequence? I think it sort of takes away a bit of her mystique. I always thought she looked like some badass siren lurking underwater.

Milwaukee, the "Berlin of the west" was also a notorious hotbed. While growing up in the Milwaukee area during the '80s, I heard classmates describing good looking people as "Aryan".

This show has become a profound study in the human condition. Kings Ragnar and Ecbert admit to each other that they don't believe in the God(s). Ragnar laments that everything is vanity. Perhaps a reasonable course of action would be for Ragnar to abandon his self destructive course and walk another path. He

Well, when I saw SWR1 today, I seriously thought Tarkin was played by a heavily made-up actor who did a passable job at imitating Peter Cushing. That they used CGI totally upped the creepiness factor for me post movie, which I think fits the character. I think Cushing would be amused that he could still creep people

(Spoilers ahead!) I'm having a lot of trouble with Ragnar and Ivar killing off their own raiding party. They begged and bribed these people to come along and then killed them in the middle of the night. I guess I'm mistaking Vikings for Klingons, or maybe it's my own Asian cultural thinking coming into play here.

Astrid is Lagertha's…ahem "partner".

My memory is a bit hazy. Did Aslaug sleep with Harbard? If so, who is his Son? I am trying to figure out what the significance of them bringing him up. Whoever his son is must be some kind of demigod, since we do know that Harbard is likely to be divine.

Trump tower = Orthanc, Minas Morghul, Casterly Rock

I noticed on Talking Dead, that David Albert, TWD's executive producer was wearing a bright yellow shirt that loudly proclaimed "Greetings from Pee Pee Pants City". It made me think it may be time to stop watching the show. Not because it made me scared. I just doubt his sanity.

Lol, like strobe lights for the ears.

How many shows/movies can you think of where the antagonist uses annoying music to break someone? I can think of Lost, and the movie 1408. Can you think of any others?

Well, this show always seems to be building up to the next showdown, so I guess that was a Freudian slip.

Nothing like a campy Renaissance Faire episode to balance the death and despair of the premier. The kevlar armor kind of reminded me of "Mad Max: Return to Thunderdome". They also have pigs in this one too. Did anyone else catch the pomegranate allusion to the Greek myth of Persephone in the underworld? Persephone

It's good to see Jeff D Morgan in a compelling role that he enjoys. I've been following him from The Watchmen, to Magic City, and to Extant. I found this episode hard to watch, but don't know if I'll be sticking around. I was pissed at what a waste of time the season finale was. However, JDM's performance might be

Actually it looks like the CBS logo.

It looks like the creators, are trying a variation of the Fringe formula with a dose of Stargate and Quantum Leap. There's probably an eccentric scientist which I think Matt Frewer will be because unfortunately, John Noble has other commitments. I like how they wholeheartedly jump into the racial climate of the