
3-second rule

Bidet is just the first step of anal refreshment. As you see, this initial pre-wash is to moisten any clinging particles. If one doesn’t have access to a unit with a multi-angle fountain, it is best to rotate one’s bottom in a circular motion to ensure ample exposure to the jet. This is not a twerking contest, so a

Bidet is just the first step of anal refreshment. As you see, this initial pre-wash is to moisten any clinging

I believe it was Jesus himself who said “yay, fucketh the small children, and let them starve, for they are fat nowadays anyways...”

As the linked article says, Ghirardelli or GTFO.

OK, I’ll also pick up a rubber nose (can’t beat ‘em? join ‘em).

A perfectly timed recline can also remind that dude who ignored multiple polite requests to stop blocking half the aisle and to stop closing the overhead during boarding because his small talk is oh so important that not being considerate to others has consequences. Enjoy that orange juice all over your shirt and