
Queens IS one of the most diverse places on Earth, but isn’t that part of the problem? The majority of Trump voters don’t live in places with dope Ethiopian and Georgian restaurants right next to each other; they live in places where Applebee’s is the hot spot


Not too busy, but just didn’t want to:

I hope Trump sends the rest of their jobs overseas and the region completely dies after last night. I don’t care about how awful and petty that sounds. Clinton planned to give new ckean energy plans to the region; Mango Mussolini has no plan, and I hpe they fucking choke on it.

Yeah, wouldn’t an ice dragon just add to the ice?

That’s a great point and I agree.

In my state its required to get new plates every 10 years. My work truck is currently on its 3rd set of plates and 340k miles.

My favorite part about keeping a car for a while is they become easier to wrench on. You learn their quirks. Every time you get a new car, its like starting over (I buy low cost used mobiles and drive them til they die. Except for my Truck. God I loved my Truck. Kids dont fit in a regular cab truck though, and I was

I “replaced” my ‘99 Civic with an STI this spring. Replaced is in quotes because I still have the Honda, which I’ve been driving since new. For various reasons, I drove the old car around for a couple days this week, and it was like staying in my childhood bedroom: nothing’s ever quite that comfortable. Not that I’m

totally agree. i’ve owned three cars in my life, and i reluctantly sold one of them, when i didn’t have the garage space to house it the requisite time for repairs.

I agree. If I want to get rid of a car after a few months I’ve made a wrong choice. Would rather ride stuff until the wheels fall off, and take care of them so they don’t.

Sounds like an OJ Simpson quote.

Hola, amigos. I know it’s been a long time since I’ve rapped at ya, but your old buddy Jim’s been knee-deep in a river of blue shit lately.

Ok this is the first reasonable and intelligent argument for taking the season i have heard

Harvard isn’t about sports. Harvard is about academics. Harvard doesn’t give a shit about some stupid ass NCAA trophy.

Are Harvard student known to be stupid?

Definitely agree with this. No one is saying they aren’t stupid or immature, but if stupid and immature were reasons to cancel college sports seasons we literally wouldn’t have any college sports (including women’s).

Eighteen years—as successful, powerful, and undeniably brilliant female athletes - taught us that.

I’m sure it’s well known by now that a Boston 10 is roughly an L.A. 7.

What are you talking about this is absurd. You don’t cancel a college sports season because men were being vulgar idiots. It’s what we fucking do. Shame them in public go crazy but taking away a season is absurd. Pc at its worst right here holy shit