
this is so good

American baseball games seem so boring after going to a game in Japan. Yokohama BayStars fan for life here.

My uncle, who lives in Fresno, said this exact thing to me. “Got tired of people like you telling people like me that we’re the problem. So we voted Trump.”

I’m not sure you’ve been paying attention.

Nah, I think she will. 71 aint that old anymore.

Gavin Newsom. Antonio Villaraigosa.

goddamnit — these people aren’t necessarily racist. millions of people who voted obama turned around and voted trump. the takeaway should be: people in the midwest / rust belt have watched the democrats turn against them completely. we need to listen to their concerns and work to make them feel like they’re an

yup - you’re not gonna automatically get white GOP supporters to be cool with the most left-leaning pols you can find. we have got to work together.

It’s not necessarily racism. But you have to understand - this is a MASSIVE voting bloc and people with a very deep belief that the system is aligned against them specifically because they’re white. So picking a black muslim as head of the DNC — and people like Jordan Sargent basically saying the DNC had no choice in

But that’s only part of it. Plenty of well-off white people voted for Trump. Their main complaint? That us elites treat them like shit. They’re not wrong. We need to listen to them. They HAVE been left behind, culturally. Telling them to shut up and like it is not only not going to work, but it gave us President

You nailed it. This article is so fundamentally bad.

they’re morons because they’re uneducated. they’re not intrinsically bad.

I’m 100% sure that he’s shitting his pants - problem is, he’ll just pick some random goofballs or GOP fuckwits to do the actual work, so either way, we’ve got LOTS of work to do on our sane, rational end.

I fail to see how how a more diverse NYT would have helped cover rural, lily-white America better, unless by diverse you mean uneducated morons, and frankly, I don’t want to read what they’d write.

that’s been the GOP plan since the south went republican. appeal to their cultural concerns and these people will happily vote for the same people who are impoverishing them.

Those things are also true, but a Democratic candidate who actually appealed to the interests of those suffering would have beaten Trump.

Shit, that made me cry.

thank you

Tostitos are also very shitty. You should not be buying big brand tortilla chips, ever, in America. There are zillions of real kinds of tortilla chips not made by Frito fucking Lay.

Well, you got one out of four right.