
Dude (or dudette) — writing is HARD.

I’d imagine that should probably be the last gas-powered car you’ll ever need. Keep that sucker!

I don’t know man, to each their own, but there’s a wonderful thing about a car that fits like an old glove.

i’m really afraid that not enough people are going to get this

Fucking idiots. That river flows into Lake Michigan. Does Chicago realize that? You can’t just do whatever the fuck you want, you know.

I honestly don’t know why I even decided to weigh in here. Sometimes the internet just sucks you in and you find yourself being contradictory for no reason. Be safe out there.

the fuck? i’d consider doing it if i had brake system problems i guess. i can’t remember ever seeing people do this.

ya, fuck, we get it harvard, you’re insufferable.

nah, we all do it.

depends. is that person a man? a white man? then yes.

neither of you pronounce your names properly

that’s true, you did say that. my apologies. nothing wrong with attention - i’m a professional writer and without attention i’d have no job. i do sort of agree with the OP though.

so you’re saying that people do a thing that ONLY exists in front of an audience, and they aren’t in it for the attention?

yes, actually, i think it is crazy to suggest that.

well, i’ve only seen one fatal collision in my lifetime of driving. wanna guess what kind of vehicle was involved?

yes, but as somebody who has owned both, and currently owns a 2012 tacoma (extended cab, not 4-door, cause those are dumb) i would NEVER go back to the old, tiny toyota.

move to europe, australia, mexico...


i think you just proved this guy’s point. jesus, man.
