
Ya, the second the game was over last night I thought about how millions of diehard Cubs fans were about to realize that your team winning is totally meaningless and a fleeting bit of happiness.

well, in our defense, i don’t give a shit that you ride a motorcycle, either.

that’s funny, but when everybody you talk to has stories about motorcycle accidents, does that not mean that there are shitloads of motorcycle accidents? (and because cars far, far, FAR outnumber motos, no, i’ll stop you there, that’s a false equivalency.)

Why on earth did his goodbye video get posted to the internet? He’s looking for internet fame? I can’t even fathom doing that.


I also don’t know why they insist on plastering TRD stickers on the TRD packages.

ya, but hitting the curb like that is super terrifying. also, don’t forget parking with one wheel on the sidewalk unnecessarily.

the non-Ford part should also give it an edge over moving over rough ground.

Tacoma is a shitty town, true, but have you ever been to Hilux? Ew.

i can’t even fathom driving a 5 speed in 4WD situations. i mean, i have done that, but an auto is a godsend when there are slippery hills involved.

Yes, but Clinton is reprehensible in a getting shit done politically kinda way. Trump is reprehensible in a KILL IT WITH FIRE kinda way.

Is there a more insufferable writer than Hamilton Nolan?

God this is awful. And I write awful web pieces for a living.

“What’s wrong with “Yeah, she’s cute” and leaving it at that?”

“If they’re constantly evaluating every single woman (even co-workers and strangers) as if they’re potential sexual partners,”

I would have thought a list like this was hilarious when I was, say, a sophomore in high school. Probably made one and don’t remember. My first instinct is to say: “This is what dudes do.” 

Not only have I written things like this out before, I’ve drawn rather detailed descriptions and shared them with buddies. And yes, I was a teenager.

Dodgers fan here. Did you feel that way in NLCS too down 2-1?

Dodgers fan here. Felt pretty good up 2-1 after a shutout too.

while i think you’re being a realist, people here will now call you a racist, which is insane, because most of the people on this site actually aspire to one day push a stroller in a twee park in Brooklyn.