Could Clayton Kershaw walk onto an Olympic-level handball team?
Could Clayton Kershaw walk onto an Olympic-level handball team?
How does that work anyway? How does one grey or ungrey? Like without “Just for Men” I mean.
new material, plz.
shout out to your kinja name. big fan of that weird little town.
I don’t recommend shooting biceps out of a cannon. Learned that the hard way.
the misuse of the principle is i think what we’re concerned with, those of us who are concerned, that is.
i don’t know who charles murray is — sounds like a real asshole. but couldn’t you just not attend and be done with it?
reminds me of when i was a waiter and people would make complicated orders that pissed off me and the kitchen because they “had a gluten allergy” but then i’d see them taking bites of their partner’s food and I’d rush over to tell them — hey, loaded with gluten — and they’d say “oh i’m not actually allergic.”
Well, except that lots of the most academically whacko po-mo critical theory gobbledeegook comes from the faculty of U Of Chicago.
yup. never dreamed of trying to make other people say or not say certain things because they dredge up horrible things i had to endure as a youth. the idea seems abhorrent.
So what place does a white student have in a discussion about affirmative action? Total silence?
Precisely. Because BIVYg is used to not having their opinion challenged, and likely takes offense to it.
you can and you should
the problem is that you can’t just ignore them. students taking this too far are occupying portions of campuses, demanding and in some cases causing termination of faculty, and altering curricula.
Agreed. If I was a student today, I’d want a trigger warning before somebody started demanding trigger warnings. The very concept induces trauma.
the sort of harm that trigger warnings cause doesn’t jump up and bite you the moment it causes harm. in 20 years, when the universities have produced people who refuse to learn about things that they disagree with, and the U.S. has produced a generation of intellectually coddled college grads, then you’ll see the harm.
I see where you’re coming from, but you must appreciate that hearing from those you disagree with is FUNDAMENTAL to a liberal arts education. Silencing opinions you disagree with is the worst option a society has, and this is a problem the left has run into over and over again in the last century.
Shouldn’t you know how those terms are actually used in practice and made manifest in the classroom before you start lecturing the faculty of one of the world’s most distinguished universities about how thought and discourse works?
“demonizing them and running away from them instead of talking about them in concrete ways.”