
Nope. Closing off topics for discussion does not in any way further debate or the pursuit of knowledge.

I can’t believe there aren’t more comments here about Allan Bloom’s “The Closing of the American Mind.” He was a big shot U of Chicago Phil professor. His book came out in ‘87 and he was already predicting and tearing apart the idea of trigger warnings and safe spaces. It’s a brilliant book, whatever you think of his

I highly, highly recommend it. And he was a big deal at Chicago so I have a feeling his philosophies are still present to a degree there (was a philosophy professor).

Can’t really have Yosemite at #2 and Sequoia/Kings Canyon at #21. Besides Half Dome and El Cap, they’re basically the same place.

that’s a bit hyperbolic, but I disagree completely. it’s further opening the door to letting the students pick the curriculum. why academia has shifted this way boggles my fucking mind. you’re supposed to go to college to learn and grow, not dictate what gets taught.

Allan Bloom. “The Closing of the American Mind.” U of Chicago.

you can’t examine everything on a case by case basis.

it’s not disrespect to learn about things that make you uncomfortable

how exactly are you going to fix things that were fucked up years ago when you’re so emotionally and intellectually sheltered that you’ll never learn about them?

then please stop



I don’t believe I could possibly ever vote for somebody named Zephyr Teachout. No way her parents didn’t fuck her up beyond belief.

The Ridgeline to me is even worse than people buying full-size TRD Tundras just to cart their kids around.

My truck, which I bought online through my phone, came delivered to my house on a flatbed truck, with a big bow on it, exactly when I asked it to be delivered.

It’s UC Davis. Not Cal Davis. Sounds like a guy who’d happily sell you a used Buick.

5 Possibly surprising NFL cities I’d rather live in than San Diego (and I used to live there and I return every 8 weeks or so for work)

But my Toyota Tacoma was built in the USA.

Dude, in San Francisco it’s a $100 ticket for parking your car in your driveway if ANY part of the car extends into the sidewalk. Worst part is that meter maids won’t give you a ticket unless a neighbor calls it in. I once got a ticket for this even though I’d left like a four foot gap between my car and the garage

Wait, shouldn’t this article be written by a Jezebel staffer and be a 2,000 word meandering about how to feel, you know, emotionally, while working out?