
$1.99/lb for organic Galas? That’s an INCREDIBLE bargain.

Well, I’ve been switching stickers on produce and mislabeling bulk foods with much cheaper PLU codes at Whole Foods for years.

Dude wore a peaked lapel suit...to court? Gross.


Also a former archaeologist here:

“not just because...she is currently playing in my native country.”

“I suppose largely because I never had the occasion to ask a man anything.”

It does: “Holding Your Own.”

Dodgers fan here: It’s also a shitty way to win one.

“Not much of a baseball fan.”

Well, hopefully at least a passing mention at least of BRANDON FUCKING STARK.

this is a much better response than you just being an outright dick in your original comment.

Care to explain why? Harvilla’s opinion is just as valid as yours you know. “My opinion is better” is not an argument.

Oh dear lord your idea of fun is chilling.

yet, you still commented on it. maybe read the whole thing first?

the criticism is that it’s dark and awful AND that nothing happens. it’s pointless.

Are you kidding? You should have seen the inanimate objects we banged during puberty.

I have a more important question:

“It’s always fun when an advanced baseball statistic definitively backs up what you see on the field. “

Also the umpire had a whole lot to do with it. Christ the strike zone in the 9th was a yard wide.