
Would it? How often do we mention we have one sun?

They said the reasoning is because they need to see if the healing/telepathy powers are heritable.

The last person said 'really late,' but that was eight months ago. :P

I can buy that the bay is too obscured, but the Martian Embassy is right next to the UN building. The bay would be quite a sight for a Martian, anyway.

Where did she go to see the ocean? The UN is surrounded by two rivers and a bay, no ocean. Yay, nitpickery. Maybe future Earthers blew all of Long Island away.

And, now that it's not a spoiler….but just in case, **spoiler**….this was filmed the day after the finale, so I think it's understandable that she might have been in a bad mood.

She might have just had a bad day, been angry and frustrated. And possibly drunk.

She could have tried, though.

What the queens did to Charlie seems pretty unacceptable to me, even if her story was mixed up and all over the place. It's okay to give up sometimes if you are in freaking physical and mental pain. It's okay to be flustered when everyone is attacking you.

The problem with dismissing the 'internet drama,' is that a lot of it is super racist and hateful stuff being constantly thrown at the darker skinned queens. That stuff doesn't happen in a bubble, it's real, and it's awful.

Mr. Wrench lives to kill again…I wanted Nikki, who seemed to begin an arc of thinking things through a little more rigorously, to have that kind of ending. To be the one who hunts down Varga in the end, the patient revenge artist. But I know she was marked as 'bumbling criminal' in the beginning, so she had to die in

The gossipy nastiness from the talking heads really was the worst, but I guess there are people out there like that. The women were petty, the men were, of course, misogynist ("Women can't forgive, it's chemical." That line made me retch.) I still can't decide if they were really a good contribution to the story. I

There's this new breed of person, and I guess it's not new, but quite old, and they're winning at the moment. The one that champions might makes right, that are openly hateful, that think this is the best humanity has to offer. Get as much as you can for you and yours, f the rest of everything. I mean, I guess it's

I am intrigued; could you share more about what kind of commentary you think this season sheds on the previous two? I'm not being facetious.

She somehow became a guilt ninja….well, yeah. She realized that she couldn't jump into things and be rash as she had before with Ray. So she could, presumably, be measuring her revenge steps very carefully now.

She still hoped somewhere inside herself that Kevin would find her.

Maybe the scientist was cynical about the whole thing and didn't want to fight everyone to convince them to go back.There could be an explanation, is all I'm saying.

Pretend for a minute that even with all of the hints, nothing supernatural happened. It was some freak physics phenomenon. It sends these people onto a long search for meaning, fulfillment, connectedness, knowledge, love. And then maybe gets turned into gospel, for others trying to find the same in life.

Also, in the first season they have a montage of celebrities who departed, and it says "the entire cast of 'Perfect Strangers.'"

I think it has to be FBI watching the Russian family, because Tuan warned the Jennings about "a car as soon as you turn the corner," or something like that. He didn't want any FBI agents to see their faces.