
That's because it was a calculated move to make Pastor Tim think he is more important to them than he is. That's always why they go to him.

I think that's the whole reason for the Tuan/Pasha storyline. P and E are just fantasizing at this point when they discuss the names and the adjustments. I think deep down both P and E know that Henry would be devastated. Look at their reactions when Paige says she's glad they're letting him go to the boarding school.

The hockey guy is totally trying to play the FBI though. I don't buy for a minute he's doing it for love.

Oh, the discussion with the hockey player and the FBI guys…so awkward! They did that so well. I don't know that I could have stood there, stunned that he was there in the first place, and not crack at his obvious machinations. Ughhhhhhggghgh.

Maybe, but accidents happen when you slit your freaking wrists. (!)

First thing, I don't think Nacho is going to go to Mike for subversion of Hector's plan. He's going to spike the pill and that is what is going to cause Hector's stroke. I guess he could get whatever substance he puts in the pill from Mike.

For what it's worth, I have a friend who only watched season one of BB and loves BCS. They thought BB was dull. I tried to convince them to go back and give it more of a chance.

The bathtub is a place of comfort for me. I like hanging out in there, to read, rest, or when I'm hungover. Not everyone is the same. There are absurd things about these plots, though.

This too is a theme of the season—-bodily effluvia. I don't know how it ties in, but I have some in-progress theories. Some of them just "human beings are gross."

Why didn't they send out Search and Rescue for Ronnie? With some alacrity? He was presumably dying on the glacier. Shouldn't that be more of a priority than someone who is already dead and someone who is already in the hospital? That drove me nuts the whole episode.

Now I'm doing a rewatch and I need to vent somewhere. :P I looked on the recaps here but would feel ridiculous commenting 9 years later. Serious problems, I know.

Yeah, he was her hero. Which is a rare thing, and kind of awesome.

I so much want you to be right. I hope Joss and the writers thought of them as moving past it, maturing into a deep family-like friendship, and Buffy was Xander's hero, and he always had her back. I'm just not sure that is/was the case. If this interview is correct, Joss thought about bringing them together

He comes of as a bit of a sleazeball, doesn't he. Hmm. I still like Xander, I guess.

And young men.

I'm nearly completely desensitized to fake gore, which I was expecting. Much less so to fake vomit. And the overkill of it all….Wow. I had the heaves a little. It was cartoony for sure, but I could almost smell it off screen.

I was eating an omelet, and it was most definitely a no for me. It made me physically ill as well.

Well, maybe spacetime is a multidimensional block, and they've always been there in 1937, doing whatever they did. There are no changes if it was always just that way. (I know they showed changes.)

Why does every story have to be told in the same way? Do we always need all of the backstory?

Oh, oh and! The High Sparrow's monologue also paid such touching tribute to sociopolitical justice!