They’re objecting to the tone of The Root, not suggesting it be banned.
They’re objecting to the tone of The Root, not suggesting it be banned.
All I’m saying is that their first amendment rights are inalienable whether you or I recognize them or not. They will be protected. They are not subject to you or my approval. The rights themselves and the principle behind them are not to be vanquished.
When Obama and Clinton bombed 8 nations and not only devised but carried out FIVE Muslim travel bans during their dismal four years together, were they called BIGOTS, RACISTS, un-American or have a copy of constitution waved in their faces?@
So Monique, where are you on eliminating statues of slave owners from public spaces. Where are you on legal documents that state for example that black people should only count as 3/5ths of a human being. Because if you are going to apply outrage to Confederate icons Such as Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, than…
Constitutional rights are inalienable and the logic behind protecting the speech of Nazis, radical Islamic clerics, Scientologists, Pyramidiots, flat earth conspiracy theorists is that if we create an exception for one very bad ideology, others may certainly follow. This country also struggled with this concept during…
“Constitutional law is tricky; it’s old and antiquated and was written during a time when the laws were only meant to protect rich white men”
Just created an account to post this.
Nope. Stupid talk. It’s better to not make any distinctions beyond what have already been established.
The First Amendment allows you the freedom of expression.
“Anyone who feels differently is a racist”
One white guy kills one white woman with a car and The Root wants to ban the First Amendment. I’m starting to think #BlackFragility might be a thing.
You don’t understand the First Amendment, but I wouldn’t expect intelligence, given your commenting history.
“I am finding myself increasingly unconvinced by whines about violations of the first amendment. Lots of other countries which are perfectly lovely to live in seem to manage without this absolutist idea that any and every bullshit idea even those that endanger minorities, should be respected and allowed to spew.”
No, we don’t ban “speech” in America. There is no practical way to enforce a ban. And banning one thing will only lead to calls to ban many other things. We have been down this road. We have free speech for a reason.
No, absolutely not. Once the government can ban speech based on the opinion it conveys, a very dangerous pandora’s box is opened. Banning hate symbols now seems great. But do you trust the legistlature/president to always make good decisions about what ideas to ban? for the indefinite future? obviously not. We’ll…
She thinks Michael Harriot is intelligent. Of course she’s an idiot.
“In reply to their tweet, many countered with the argument that making those symbols illegal would be considered a violation of the First Amendment.”
Black people assault white people more than white people assault black people.
There is no redeeming value in whiteness.