Locomotive Jones

Because if you are going to apply outrage to Confederate icons Such as Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, than you also need to put equal outrage on public statutes of the most famous slave owners in America; George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. You are going to have to cry out with equal outrage that 1/2 of Mount

Nope. Stupid talk.

burn them, ban them. GErmany bans Nazi iconography. the US should do the same and ban confederate iconography. Horrible legacy.

And I vote no with my white, try-to-be-Constitutional-about-it-and-yet-fair reasoning.

I understand what the first amendment means. I don’t need your lectures and your racist ass assumption that I don’t know what the fuck the first amendment is and means.

He’s quite underrated as a troll.

Welcome to The Root.

Locomotive Jones almost hopes the government does ban hate speech, just to watch it blow up in their stupid faces. Most of Michael Harriot’s articles would get him arrested.


More importantly, such a ban would regressively take us further down the path of infringement on human rights.

By all means, give Trump the power to start banning symbols and other forms of expression. That won’t end badly for you.

Black people assault white people more than white people assault black people.

We don’t ban expression in this country, you short-sighted cunt. If you’re comfortable with the idea of Trump banning symbols, though, feel free and set this precedent.