Locomotive Jones

Ahh The Root, always keeping racism alive.

The Root makes me sad. It used to be a smart, insightful website about relevant topics and every now and again it could even be educational. Since joining the Kinja family it seems to have adopted the Deadspin mentality and looks for any and every way that it can be negative and divisive. A majority of the

I dunno, the comment section in here seems to be doing exactly the same thing every chance it gets ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So lets flip this. White person says the following:

Tons of racism.

While his tweet was not racist or divisive, this article pretty much is. Shame on you... you should not write.

The races were reversed in possibly the most famous of any such false accusation, due to the blinding ambition of an incompetent and twisted DA.

Does any race besides white make up these false claims of being accosted by other races?

Damn, Michael, way to flaunt your ignorance and hateful racism all at once.

Duke Lacrosse. The false accuser is in jail now for murder of her bf.

This article and all the people in the comments are absolutely hilarious.

Just don’t pretend that this article isn’t a form of racism. A mild form mind you, but it still falls on the spectrum.

Now playing

My point was this is not a white/black thing, it’s a despicable person thing. This site is all about making white people the enemy with generalized statements when the majority of white people aren’t that way and this site knows it. Here’s some more because I don’t take kindly to threats 

What should these people get?

Why aren’t their partners Nichelle Tramble Spellman and Malcom Spellman afraid of it? Why is their direct involvement getting played down by like...everyone, including this article?

The problem is he already thinks he knows what the show will and won’t accomplish, and how inappropriate it is: “a fantasy spectacle that justifies the show’s existence, but does little else.” Ok, so I guess “uncomfortable but valuable examination of bullshit alt-right utopia” isn’t a possibility?

If this turns out to be a horribly offensive show, by all means, please rip it apart as it should be. Personally I’m skeptical. But to Mr. Spock’s point, you kinda have to see it first. Heck, there may be more than just African slaves.

But then how can they hit post quotas if they can’t overreact to things that are nothing more than a basic synopsis of what they might create?!

Agreed. I think the author makes several interesting points, but the crux of the issue is the following quote:

By the same logic, shouldn’t you wait to see the show before commenting on it?