Locomotive Jones

All my life I have suffered from severe attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

White guy here. Married to a white woman. Like me, she is open minded and not racist in any way. But every once in a while a statement like this one from Diddy will cause her to do the whitewomaning

Amazing that Charles didn’t bother to mention executive producers/writers Nichelle Tramble Spellman (Justified, The Good Wife) and Malcolm Spellman (Empire, Foxy Brown).

Why aren’t their partners Nichelle Tramble Spellman and Malcom Spellman afraid of it? Why is their direct involvement getting played down by like...everyone, including this article?

If Charles were to have something to discuss other than to just rant about the fact that the show is possibly even happening, there might be something for the article to even discuss.

Your pathetic ass got burned with the first response. 

The phobias of fragile, uneducated white dudes shouldn’t be our problem, either, but here we are.

Reminder that the Department of Defense found that allowing trans people to serve openly would “cost little and have no significant impact on unit readiness.”

The way this site is reacting to this situation is fucking disgraceful. I’m pretty fucking sure you’re happy she’s dead.

To which, if we are going to be honest, is what we already knew, but for the media, and White America to keep playing dumb and really misconstrue the idea that we aren’t keeping tabs, I promise they will not like what comes in due time.

Calling Bennett “an” attorney is pretty disingenuous. I hope you just didn’t know that Bennett is the Damond’s family attorney and weren’t leaving that fact out on purpose for effect. It wasn’t some random attorney it’s someone whose job it is to make this shooting look egregious as possible. Cmon’ man.

And meanwhile, this Twitter user couldn’t criticize Gilbert Arenas without also tearing down the mother of his children.

He just hates women all around.

Many of whom came here to escape this happening in their home countries.

Such boot-licking hyperbole.

We need to overthrow this fucking government.

Fuck you, you transphobic piece of shit.

With rape scenes more prevalent in film and television than ever before

Yes but why, what is even the point of saying something like that at a time when black children are getting killed by police? Who is out there deeming the innocence quotient?

My heart is hurting.