Locomotive Jones

“a bill that some say will continue to exacerbate the mass incarceration of young people of color.”

Not gonna help when the cops plant one on you

Keep on doing what this site does best: Creating Trump voters.

Philandro’s mother took it upon herself to visit Justine’s fiance after the shooting. When I see that, I realize black people have a well of empathy that is as deep as the ocean. We make the effort. We bring the cookies. We send the cards. We make sure her family is ok and knows we care.

How many pounds overweight are you?

If you say “fuck Justine” then you’re no better than Locomotive Jones.

Truth hurts huh white boy?

Its remarkably easy to get a legal handgun these days, why shouldn’t this be a law?

Kyle Griffin is what conservatives imagine every liberal man looks like:

And that’s a valid point, but just once Locomotive Jones would like The Root to address the elephant in the room— black criminality that is disproportionate to their population size. Latinos are almost 17% of this country, and face the same challenges— racism and poverty— that black Americans do, so why is their crime

That’s fucking awful.

Well done. That poster is fucking insufferable, and you just destroyed him ( and a good portion of the other people who write here).

I care about them emulating our culture from the standpoint that they’ve told us, all our lives, that our culture was corrupt, grimy, inferior, etc.

If anything, suburban flight (away from minorities) contributed to the gentrification problem in the first place.

That just sucks. But is unsurprising. I live in East O and now I’m curious where this place is!

At this point, white people are so predictable.

Another great escape of why we need segregation more than ever. White people cannot live in neighborhoods that are traditionally nonwhite without major issues.

As someone who occasionally has to sell 40 oz cans of malt liquor occasionally, it IS a thing that still happens. Considering it’s 99% white males who buy them, however, you are correct about it being out of style.

Don’t cosplay as social classes below your own, y’all. It’s not that hard.