does it require oppression to be appropriation? i’m thinking of gwen and avril’s harajuku controversies.
does it require oppression to be appropriation? i’m thinking of gwen and avril’s harajuku controversies.
Can you even appropriate something like “ballet culture?” It’s something a lot of little American and European girls are familiar with and is pretty entrenched in (white, middle class) imaginations. It’s a mainstream thing.
yes you can
I mean... “literally SO offensive.” lol no. No, it wasn’t. She was doing what many, many models before her have done! But she has a target on her back because she’s a Jennerashian. I think it’s a bigger insult to modeling. Like, wtf are you even modeling?
First off, glad that this is an appropriation controversy that isn’t racial in nature. That said, the word is in serious danger of becoming a joke. Models play dress-up all the time. They shouldn’t go so far as to pretend to be African natives but posing as a ballerina is not going to damage the art form.
Cholera isn’t currently a thing, but let’s not pretend it can’t happen.
Clapping after every word doesn’t make you right, it just makes you look like an obnoxious bitch.
Feels good man
I hate Trump and his supporters as much as the next person, but the people that are applauding this are disgusting.
I am in COMPLETE agreement with you. I hate relative morality. If it’s wrong for them to be destructive assholes, it’s wrong for us to be as well.
I loathe Trump as much as the next Jezebel commenter, but I hate this sign stealing/burning stuff.
Yeah, I’m a huge (HUGE) fan of shelter dogs, but this doesn’t really feel like an appropriate time to talk about that.
Not sure that the snark in this title was well placed.
Once you realize that “white” is a slur to certain groups, these statements make a lot more sense.
See, e.g., Valleywag’s once regular reporting on the lack of “diversity” at tech companies with 30%+ Asian-American management teams/staff.
It’s not necessarily “white” privilege, but privilege, period. I know non-white “kids” (i.e. young people under 25) who got high-paying jobs because mommy and/or daddy (well, usually daddy) “knows” the right people (which covers most points here). I also know many non-white “kids” and even “young people” whose parents…
It was a joke, she’s been paired with Cooper three times now, in a somewhat miscast manner. :)
No Hanks will be F Scott, Clint will be Hemingway
So really, it comes down to, “She wasn’t important to me, so she’s not important.”
What’s new or fresh about the 17th iteration of the latest monumentally stupid comic book/superhero/space war dick fest? Give me literary angst any day of the week and twice on Sunday.