Locomotive Jones

And in the context of that movie it was funny. This “joke” wasn’t in any such context.

I just want to know what you think the punchline of the joke is. To me the joke is this: “Hey, baby, I’d take you back to my hotel room. (wink, wink) Oh, and then I’d sleep with guys who attractive, unlike you fatty.” The humor (such as it) comes from the misdirect. She pretends to be saying she’d sleep with him,

Why is punching Jonah hill punching upwards?

If this was aimed at say Melissa McCarthy or Leslie Jones, Jezebel would be in stage three meltdown right now.

You’re losing the trees for the forest as it were...punching up/down means fuck all when we’re talking the in-person insulting (in front of an audience, no less) of someone with as much right have feelings and be hurt as the penis-less.

Yes, which is in response to the man telling her that he first decided he liked her when she did a scene where she got fucked in the ass first. That’s totally appropriate, right?

No, it’s not about his weight.

No, it’s not, because if the genders had been reversed, the focus here would have been on the inappropriateness of the joke. Because the gender dynamic is what it is, the focus of this article, and these comments is on Hills inability to “take a joke.”

I think this is absolutely about his weight. I don’t even understand how that could not be the case.

If someone made a similar joke at Melissa McCarthy’s expense this place would be up in arms.

This wasn’t a joke about power dynamics. This was an insult to his appearance, and he didn’t appear to have done anything to deserve it. This isn’t some sort of feminist stand she’s taking. This is just a mean-spirited “joke” at the expense of someone who was just trying to do his job. It’s inappropriate in either

OK, but how much would Jez be freaking out if the roles and genders had been reversed?

In a sense, it is no different than the safe space / trigger-warning freight train that stormed through college campuses over the last few years.

And it’s funny that you took it personally when I said Jezebel and not TamTams. I’ve been commenting here for about 2 years, and I know the mood of the site pretty well. Hillary Clinton can do no wrong. Anything that might be perceived as wrong is either a right wing conspiracy or a misogynist plot. The mental

Of course not. Hillary could suck the blood from living babies and Jezebel would dismiss at as a ‘quirky thing she does’. Just like Trump could be found with dead hookers in his plane and Breitbart would cheer him on.

Inability to sit through a 2 hour service and requiring help to get inside a van wasn’t affecting her abilities? How about lying for several hours after the event claiming she was fine, was that a mental lapse brought on by the illness or a pathological condition?

Yeah, who needs a transparent government anyway? I’m sure whatever they decide for us is best! People who like to be informed are idiots!

Prepare to be flamed.

Are you not only agreeing but praising a comment on Jez? Now I've seen everything.

So boring and pointless. Reminds of when people call in to sports radio shows and say “I played football in high school....”