Locomotive Jones

She’s been on Broadway. Can’t really clean it up there.

In her defense, I think you’re thinking more of her father than her.

$100,000 of taxpayer money is “the harm”

Some good advice, that you should aim towards this CONVICTED MURDERER. I’ll gladly be the first to call this pile of human garbage a “fucking freak”, not because of the proposed surgery mind you, but because this animal chose to actively take the life of another human being. Where was her empathy?

I’ll make this quick:

She IS a criminal.

I understand the right to “care” but having some trouble with right to have expensive trans gender surgery - paid for by the state.

I do not think this is a victory for trans people who have been denied care at all. This means nothing for all the non-criminal trans people who cannot afford or are otherwise unable to get what is indeed a necessary surgery.

Exactly. And I am a liberal person.

Murder, robbery, kidnapping for ransom. These are serious crimes, committed with intent. People are imprisoned and their usual freedoms are taken away. So are their choices.

She is a criminal, she murdered someone. And that does matter.

Prepare for the strawman army, they are coming.

She murdered an innocent person. That idea should be reinforced.

She is a criminal.

She is a criminal. She deserves adequate health care. Both these things are true, 

She IS a criminal. She’s a convicted murderer.

I wish Shiloh Quine had had some empathy for Shahid Ali Baig and his family.

The picture at the top only serves to reinforce the idea she’s a criminal

I mean... her being a criminal is a crucial point to this story, no?

Nah, I can’t get behind this one. You got taxpayers (including victim’s family) paying for a surgery that isn’t absolutely necessary. There are many transgender folks, who aren’t murderers, that are much more deserving. Maybe we should just tell the law abiding trans community that if they want to have the surgery,