Locomotive Jones

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but ouch, that was painful to watch.

Jesus shit, every single promo for that movie made it looked like straight up depraved white-people shit.

Pretty much. Everyone should brace themselves, this movie is going to win best picture at the Oscars. So, don’t get upset when it does. It’s like getting upset that water is wet.

I wrote a long thing about La La Land in a different comment so won’t repeat, but I think it’s worth seeing!

It seems like there’s a trend to casting actresses for singing part who maybe aren’t the strongest vocalists but have big names.

I listened to one if the recent episodes of Song Exploder where they interviewed the composer and lyricists of LaLa Land and broke down Emma Stone’s big audition song. I was underwhelmed. Like... The lyrics were basic af.

All the stars for you. This is so accurate.

I have no interest in seeing La La Land, the commercials bore me. I don’t have access to seeing Atlanta yet , but Donald Glover is a delight so yay!

“Clover, a third black actor just won an award! We had the gay write about the first one, and I promised you at least two! We don’t want the white liberals who read this site to forget we’ve got a couple black chicks working here the next time we put out another article bashing tech for its lack of diversity!”

I swear to god if either Nicole Kidman (who admittedly was fantastic in Lion) or Michelle Williams had won that category with Viola fucking Davis, Octavia Spencer, and Naomi Harris? I’d have burned it all down.


In her defense, Jenna Bush is not known for her smarts.

Speaking of the Bushes and their paternalistic attitudes towards people of colour, that which bothered me the most about Bush Hagar’s interview with Pharrell was not that she flubbed the name, but the way she reaches out to squeeze his shoulder.

But, meh. Racists be racisming.

Two films. More black folks than usual in acclaimed pieces. Folks can’t or won’t deal. Dismiss both films by combining them into one.

Because they both have black people in them, which makes them the same movie in Hollywood, silly.

Plus, as much as people didn’t like Suicide Squad (I did), along with Margot Robbie, I thought she stole the movie.

We have to protect the (white) women!!1

That is not the definition of mental illness.

She was trying to kill herself because she was a woman trapped in a man’s body is mentally ill.