Locomotive Jones

It’s just unreal the level of delusion that goes on with the modern-day left. I am a registered Democrat. Not in the Klan, don’t have any apparel with swastikas on it.

Hey, man, there was an abortion clinic shooting by a white guy pretty recently in 1984. That’s totally equivalent to the hundreds of thousands of people who died from other acts of terrorism since then.

Darth Mole thinks Locomotive Jones’ post lacks credibility because he didn’t refer to himself in the third person.

It’s not a touchy subject for me. I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy.

Not only that, but Jezebel will never mention the epidemic of domestic violence among black men. This story, along with the San Bernadino school shooting, and all they write is a generic article about DV. They do mention that black women suffer from homicidal DV at twice the rate of white women, but say nothing on the


Or course, most of the general population sees through that hypocritical knee jerk bullshit, so whatever Jezebel posters are trying to sell here won’t ultimately work in the adult world. The majority of responsible citizens will always want the police to protect us against criminals.

Good call, everyone knows there are no violent black criminals in American prisons

But you brought that up as a way of deflecting from the actual grim subject of this article. I’m just tired of the hypocrisy. You’re the same kind of asshole who brings up the Crusades in an article about the latest act of Muslim terrorism. It’s pretty transparent and people are over of it.

OK, there’s clearly no reason to have a conversation with you. You’re hell-bent on being obtuse about your true motivation for posting that. Why you felt the need to defensively bring up the racism of police in an article about a black guy slaughtering an elderly black man on Facebook Live is completely beyond me.

You brought up a white example specifically and you mentioned that this black killer was the wrong color. So yes, that is definitely bringing up white people. Let’s not be obtuse.

Black shooters get taken alive all the time. Both of the DC snipers, for instance. Why are you making this about race? Can’t you just criticize the black murderer without bringing up white people as a way to deflect?

It never fails, does it?

Nice deflection, sounds like you’re taking this murder spree personally, why is that?