Very sorry to hear that you lost your grandfather. It’s not easy at all. Condolences.
Very sorry to hear that you lost your grandfather. It’s not easy at all. Condolences.
Typo correction:
Hannah is the worst.
Don’t forget the KKK! They love to bring up the Klan as if they’re relevant today (and as if their total lifetime death toll comes anywhere close to the last 15 years of ISIS.)
I have a feeling many know he is a troll and star him anyway.
Have you seen this?
It never fails, does it?
If you’re an adult, unless you have PTSD from serving in the military (not the fake PTSD that half of you snowflakes self-diagnose), then you should be able to watch that footage. Reality, however grizzly, should not be avoided.
Your life’s patheticness impressives me more and more every time I see your whiny posts.
Yes, they can. I guess chris brown articles and cosby articles hating on them dont exist and that just two examples of many.
Not only that, but Jezebel will never mention the epidemic of domestic violence among black men. This story, along with the San Bernadino school shooting, and all they write is a generic article about DV. They do mention that black women suffer from homicidal DV at twice the rate of white women, but say nothing on the…
So what should they write that black men are violent thugs and should be treated as such. It was domestic violence. They guy didnt do it because he was black.
The OP’S response is the racial version of what happens here whenever a Muslim commits an act of terror: “But Christians do bad things too!”
Nice deflection, sounds like you’re taking this murder spree personally, why is that?
Yes, by all means, adults should never watch footage that makes them uncomfortable. The media shouldn’t have shown the 9/11 jumpers either, right?
Your response is the racial version of what happens here whenever a Muslim commits an act of terror: “But Christians do bad things too!”