Locomotive Jones

Cool. Would mean more if you guys haven’t been buying Lyft ads for months, killing whatever credibility you had to report about Uber without bias.

Lyft was built with investment money from Peter Thiel, a notes Trump supporter and the guy whose money helepd fund the lawsuit that killed Gawker. So it’s not like they’re a pool of social justice purity.

  1. 1: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

There were victims of some of his predilections. And we aren’t talking about his consensual farting, but it doesn’t matter if one makes major contributions to the entertainment industry. You aren’t owed the sexual exploitation of minors and women as a prize for playing music well.

Much too nuanced and intelligent for the gawker universe -AKA “liberal Breitbart”---- just say the white man ripped off the poor, opressed black folk AGAIN—stick to the script, will ya?