Really? How am I celebrating him?
Really? How am I celebrating him?
You make shaky assertions, accompanied with grainy pictures.
Because it implies that autistic people are a problem to be solved.
How can I not a complain about a charity that views my very existence as a burden on society?
Oh look, Mr. High-and-Mighty has pronounced our innate horribleness once again.
Lyft was pretty brilliant in their P.R. moves the night of that airport taxi strike, and these idiots completely bought it. Most progressives are simple and think only in terms of good and evil, so it’s easier for them to think “Uber = Evil” and “Lyft = Good” than to do any actual critical thinking on their own.…
I downloaded Lyft a couple months ago and it’s fantastic.
Autism Speaks doesn’t use a puzzle ribbon, they use a puzzle (which is offensive to Autistic people)
I’ve heard that Autism Speaks uses the color blue because autism is more commonly diagnosed in boys. I hope that’s not true, because it would make them even worse than they already are.
Me and my husband are watching Moana right now and we were discussing how great it is that there is more diversity and how important representation is.
You mean, like, supporting the Trump administration from a position of comfort and power is a lot like supporting fascism so long as you’re not the one who’s being persecuted? If that’s what you actually meant, Tim, then yes.
I hunt, fish, and watch sports, and I’m a liberal. I don’t drive a tank, though, because my dick is big enough.
His feelings got beat up. And these are straight white conservative man feelings, so they’re very, very valuable.
Oh yeah Tim? Where’s all these news stories I clearly must have missed about you getting beat up over this?
The Left makes Hitler and Nazi comparisons every fucking day. They’ve been doing it for many, many years.
What crimes do liberals commit against their political opponents that are so fear-inducing and unreasonable?
If by “nuanced” you mean full of bullshit that makes white people feel less guilty by diminishing the importance of black artists then I agree.
The man helped invent rock and roll. Then like all black musical pioneers saw white people copy it and make ten times more money doing a pale imitation of him.
You’re a creep too. Congrats.
Isn’t Spy satirical? Is that an actual story or a piece of comedy?