Locomotive Jones

To be fair, many admissions offices embrace the racist notion of Asian Americans as an assimilated, financially secure “model minority” and therefore not a true minority.

woman hating asshole


No matter what you write, black men will always see “them” as the ultimate prize. I guess you need to school your brothers a little more....

When I was a (white) soldier in the 1980's, in training at Ft. McClellan Alabama, black soldiers, usually NCOs and Officers would frequently be seen in town or on base, with an attractive white women on their arms. I doubt if white townies appreciated that, but then they didn’t seem particularly fond of anyone on the

You may have a slight problem with stereotyping. A lot of people live in fear, why do you want to be one of them?

A black man calling white women dangerous and saying they need to be avoided is so absurd it should hardly get a response. I am 100% sure I don’t need to respond you of America’s crime statistics that imply that no demographic is even close to as dangerous as black men. And I am equally certain, you would be loathe to

Wow. Serious journalistic integrity. Writes a piece of garbage like this, and then deletes any comments he doesn’t like.

This article is the work of a click bait journalist who clearly did zero research, and needs people to pay attention to him. What an absolute piece of trash. He also already deleted my first comment.