Locomotive Jones

As a white guy, can I use the term Becky?

I’m a white woman married to a black man and I’m afraid of other white women too. I’m more afraid of white men. But this was a great piece!


You an Stephen are obsessed with white women. It’s weird.

When you have clinical anxiety, and you’re exposed to a 30+ person three-ring circus every fucking weekend you’re a fragile little bitch.

I responded like Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock on SNL every time she cried. I just didn’t care any more for her bleeding heart white people tears bullshit

Your comment is a master-class in how to not wypipo. You appear to be here to learn (as I am),and rather than get defensive, you heard what the writer had to say.

Michael Harriot hates all women, but he really hates white women— and it’s politically acceptable for him to attack them here.