Locomotive Jones

Doesn’t make him wrong.

I remember when they covered the racist homework given to students at some elementary school in Los Angeles that used slaves in a math question. It was a couple months ago.

Funny how everyone gets all mad and whiny about this kind of thing but 99% of the time it turns out it was some black people who did it. Like all that fake hate crime vandalism that happened at college campuses. All turned out to be black students doing it. But then, nobody cares when the truth comes out. They’d just

Oh hell, they even made a movie about assassinating W.

I posted this elsewhere and IDK if Barron goes to school with other kids, but if he does then he has probably seen it.

11 years old...if he goes to school where kids have phones...yea he’s seen it. Look I am definitely not in agreement with Trump and I think using his kid to try to get people on his side is despicable but at 11 years old, seeing that shit on the internet is fucked up.

They may not have let him. 11 is old enough to use a computer unsupervised, and it was a big story. You can’t shield your kids from everything.

That might be your point and I get that, however he went to Richard Spencer one of the most vile human beings on the planet today. An avowed racist a Neo-Nazi. Do you really believe that was a mistake? No that was intent.

You can get away with all sorts of Jew-bashing and moral equivocation as long as you can label it “anti zionism.” Israel is one of those countries that it’s ok to universally revile and loathe and foam at the mouth about on the internet no matter what they do. Real people don’t actually live there in a lot of people’s

Would you like to be compared to a Neo-Nazi because that’s what he did to Gal Gadot...

Yeah, a lot of people, both white and poc, straight-up hate Jews, period. They just pretend they’re against Israel, but deep down, they hate Jews. I knew a bunch of brown Muslim guys who vandalized a synagogue back in 2000 and they bragged about it. What a bunch of scumbags.

Israel is just the latest fig leaf people use to cover up their hatred, it’s been going on for centuries this is nothing new. It’s just rare you find somebody so stupid to put it in writing for the whole world to see. That being said I feel sad that he’s got 8 likes at the time of writing...

Yep this... a lot of poc are deeply anti-Semitic and it really bothers me. I’ve called out a few of my black, Mexican, Arab, South Asian friends for their anti-Semitism and they always say it’s because of Israel. Yeah whatever.

It is humorous in a profoundly sad the way that he didn’t actually realize how racist he’s being. Though these kind often don’t when the Jewish people are involved.

Woke Antisemitism is the best :)

Did you just compare a person who’s only “sin” was that she was born in Israel a Jewish person no less and is proud of her country to an avowedly racist and open Neo-Nazi? Because that is bloody low dude.

Whoa, I have used this word for years without knowing neo-Nazis used it that way. Removing it from my vocab now.

Learning this about Gal Gadot just wants to make me see the film more.

This. The line between “liberal concerned for Palestinians” and antisemite is very hard to find when they are using the same the language and both equate the Israeli government with all Jews everywhere.

Not surprising at all.